Friday, February 26, 2010

No More Basketball!

We had our last game last night to end our season of basketball! I have worked hard with these lil' guys and girls to teach them the game. At our first practice, no one knew how to shoot or dribble. I wasn't sure if we would ever be able to play in a game. They have worked hard and have made a TON of progress. I am really proud of them! Even though it was a great experience for me, I am glad to be done! Being done with basketball doesn't mean I'll have more free time. Instead, that means it's time for SOFTBALL SEASON to begin!!! I can't wait for it! Softball season means that spring has to come soon, and sun tans, and long Saturdays on the field!!! I can't wait!!

My team is in the red! We were the Rockets!


Keeley Barr said...

As in you're playing softball or coaching? I'm hoping Matt can play for his battalion- we are a baseball lovin family! And I'm with you- base/softball= spring, sun, and fun!!!

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