Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentine's Party

Last night, I had a Valentine's party with our B Troop ladies! We had lots of great food to eat! I made a lasagna, had fresh fruit, and whipped up a new dessert. Other ladies brought the rest of the food. It all tasted wonderful!!! The rest of the evening we sat around the table and chatted. It was a nice, relaxing night! A few of the ladies left their kids with babysitters for the night and really enjoyed the time off!

I won't be with these ladies much longer! I'll be switching to a new group when Jay switches to his new job. It's going to be just as hard for me to leave these ladies as it is for Jay to leave his guys! At least I'll still be able to see them and do things with them. Unfortunately Jay will be in a completely different area. That's not all a bad thing though. At least he'll have running water and warm showers!

While all the ladies were busy chatting away, the kids decided to play a game instead. They weren't too excited about adult conversations!

This was our lil' valentine at the party! She was so sweet, dressed in all hearts!

I won't be around next weekend for Valentine's Day, so I had the party this weekend. I leave next Saturday to head to Venice until Monday! I am so excited to go! Carnivale is going on and it will be fun to see all of the costumes. I thought about dressing up and even have my costume all ready to go. But just today, I talked with Elizabeth and we changed our minds. We were both going to dress up, but there will be several other people with us. It won't be as fun if not everyone is joining in. I'll have tons of pictures to show you after we get back!!


♥ Missi ♥ said...

Had a great time. Thanks very much for having us! Hope you enjoy the bulldog post it!


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