Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Bad" Hair Day

This week at school has been spirit week. The winter has been long and the days seem to be long at school. So, we are having a spirit week to try to brighten everyone's moods. Each grade has participated in fun activities in the gym to let off some steam. Some of the games have been dodge ball, pushing a peanut across the gym floor with using only your face, circling a hoola-hoop through a circle of kids, etc. They have been fun to watch and the kids get so excited. We've also been having dress up days the past couple of days. Yesterday was crazy hair or hat day. I attempted to do my hair crazy by putting in pig tails all the way down both sides of my head and making messy buns at the end. The kids were yelling at me because I didn't participate. I told them I tried, it just turned out nicer than I had hoped. I guess I failed at having a bad hair day. Who would have guessed!! Today was wacky tacky dress day. I went all out today so the kids wouldn't have to guess this time. I wore two different fun socks, a white shoe and a black shoe, a black and white long sleeve striped shirt, a two color green short sleeve striped shirt, and a pink and white striped polo on top. Then I put my multi colored striped scarf around my neck. The kids had no question today!! They loved that I joined in on the dress up day because not a lot of the teachers are doing it. I thought about doing half of my hair straight and the other half jelled curly, but I had a meeting tonight, so thought that would be a little tacky. I wish I would have taken a picture, but I'm out of my clothes already. You'll just have to picture it I guess! Tomorrow is Famous Person day. I'm still trying to decide who to be. The hard part is having the clothes to fit the part. I'm going to look on the internet and see what I can come up with. If you have any ideas, let me know!

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