Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back Home to Schweinfurt

I'm finally home! It was a long journey, but I made it! I left Cedar Rapids at 2:00 and got in to Chicago at 3:00. I was supposed to board at 6:50, but didn't until 8:00. Once we got on and situated, the plane lost all power. The engine went off and all the lights went off. It got really quite on board. Thankfully we hadn't left yet! We waited in our seats for a half hour until they decided it wasn't fixable. They told us the plane was not suitable to fly. So we all got off and went back into the airport. We had to wait an hour for another plane to arrive and to transfer all of the luggage. We finally left Chiacgo at 10:00 last night and arrived into Frankfurt a little after 1:00 this afternoon. I then took a bus to Schweinfurt and arrived around 5:30. When I walked in to the house, I realized I must have been completely and utterly stressed and exhausted when I left to go home. My house is an absolute disaster! It looks like I've been robbed!! I have Christmas presents and things from the parties all over the place! As soon as I get the unpacking finished, cleaning the house is next on the list. It's driving me nuts, but I need more time!! That will have to wait until another day. Not sure when as I have something every night this week. Perhaps I'll be up in the middle of the night because of jet leg and can do it then! Otherwise it will be next Sunday!

It's was kind of hard coming home here. I hated to leave my family and come back to an empty house. I have a long year ahead of me. I'm so glad I have people all around me to keep me busy and to do fun things with!
What I am going to miss most from home... this lil' dude! He's going to be crawling all around the house next time I see him!

What I'm going to miss the least.... the temperatures! It was -19 degrees fahrenheit back home this morning! I new record! When I arrived at Frankfurt, I was steaming outside with 32 degrees! I had to take my coat off!

I just really hope this next year flies, and that I can keep myself under control and not reach a point of such great fatigue! One day at a time!! Before I know it, I'll be in this man's arms again!


Mom said...

So glad you made it home safely. We miss you already!
But... guess what?
I, I, as in me, I got to hold Carson today! YEAH!!!!! No other girls to take him away from me! :)
Love ya! Miss ya!

Paul, Abby, and Jillian Hovey said...

Please know Paul and I will be praying for you and Jay this year during your time apart. I can't imagine how difficult that would be but am thankful that you guys can both glean strength and hope from the Lord during this time. We admire both of your strength and know the Lord will bless you with a sweet reunion before you know it!