Sunday, January 31, 2010

Somnolent Sunday

It's been very calm around here today. I skated my way to church this morning. Over night, we had a couple inches of ice and then a few inches of snow on top of that. It took me ten minutes to get my car cleaned off before leaving for church. After brushing all the snow off, I had to work at scrapping off all the ice. It wasn't so fun to do in heals in a skirt. Surprisingly, it wasn't all that cold though. I would have loved to go play outside!! Even though it wasn't fun to drive in, it made for some beautiful scenary.

Here is Jay's car that I need to dig out! I'm hoping it melts soon so I don't have to dig all the way around it! I haven't started it for a couple weeks, so need to get in to do that! I have to get it inspected and the registration renewed one of these days. I have to have it done by the 11th of February. I doubt it will melt by then! The day I don't wear a skirt to school would be the day I should do it!

After church, I hit up the PX and the commissary before heading home. The rest of the day was spent working on more scrapbooks. I finished two more today and have pictures uploaded for another one. I'm chipping away at them, one at a time!!

I talked to Jay tonight. He was doing well. He had been playing poker all evening. He said he's getting good! He was actually winning when he had to leave the table. They don't actually play for money, so it's a good time to learn! He went out on a mission on Saturday. They were trudging through a couple feet of snow. By the time he got back on post, he said his hands and feet were freezing. He was ready to go to bed and warm up! I hope his flannel sheets get to him soon!! He could certainly use them!

Here is a picture of Jay and our friend Tim! They are in different troops, so don't see each other much. They were both out of the gates for the day and happened to be at the same spot.


Farmgirl Chaos said...

Man, good job with the scrapbooks! Only 13 more to go then. If you can get one or 2 done during the week, then more on the weekends, they will be done in no time!
I'm glad you finally got to experience some of the weather we are having in Iowa. It's actually really nice out today. 15 degrees. Sunny. Not much wind. A good day.
Have a great week!

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